Automating Field Data Collection for Commercial Property Manager

Sam Harp
Sep 15, 2021 11:27:09 AM

TEAM IM recently worked with a Client in the Commercial Property Management industry who wanted to get rid of all their paper forms.  Property Management entails endless on-site, in the field inspections, maintenance and service request management. 

TEAM IM worked with the customer to select the appropriate electronic forms platform for their needs, designed and developed the 1st tranche of forms, trained customer technical resources to do the same, and provided the integration with the M-Files backend. 

Working in conjunction with the Client, TEAM IM successfully digitized numerous paper forms, ranging from inspection checklists, surveys to maintenance and service requests that were previously completed by hand on paper.  Upon submission, the completed form triggers a workflow in the M-Files backend to record the inspection outcome and trigger remediation actions if required.  Requests trigger various workflows depending on the request type, which orchestrate and track the fulfillment of the request. 

After understanding the client's specific needs, TEAM IM recommended  frevvo eForms platform.  TEAM IM assisted the customer in developing and deploying the platform as well as arranging training and enabling client resources with the ability to digitizing new forms and maintaining existing forms.  TEAM IM's frevvo for M-Files integration enables form data and attachments to be saved in the M-Files backend and trigger workflows for backend processing.  A future step of the deployment is to develop Power BI dashboards to not only track requests and report on performance but also identify trends in data to improve processes and products deployed.

The solution has realized the following benefits for the client

  • Streamlined the field data collection process, saving time and money
  • Improved data quality due to form validation and logic to ensure collected data is accurate and complete
  • Enabled the automation of business processes using the power of frevvo forms and in the M-Files workflow engines
  • Improved customer service - through real-time data sync to the backend and workflow status reporting
  • Enables a permanent record archive of forms, data and attached evidence using M-Files

TEAM IM prides itself in focusing on the customer outcome and enabling our clients to modernize business processes and unlock the power of the mobile world.  It is fantastic to see outcomes that transform the way our clients work.

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