Increase your knowledge of M-files with M-Files Training

Sam Harp
Feb 20, 2023 2:18:38 PM

Your organization has M-Files but are you using M-Files to its full potential while maximizing its value?  Have you had employee turnover that requires training for new employees?  Are you looking to expand the knowledge of M-Files used to improve productivity?  If the answer to all of these is yes, then M-Files training is for you!

M-Files training is offered in several different forms that includes:

  • Virtual and In Person Training - M-Files classroom training is provided by expert M-Files Trainers who will help you navigate through your M-Files journey.  This training is primarily geared towards your M-Files Business Administrator.
  • M-Files Learning Solutions are self paced online courses to build your M-Files competency and can be made available through a yearly subscription.  It includes access to our learning platforms: M-Files Academy and User Lite.
    This includes:
    • Online Courses - Get 24/7 access to training material: Practical and engaging eLearning courses make it convenient for you to learn about M‑Files, wherever you are.
    • Self Paced Learning - Learn at your own pace: Flexible eLearning courses allow you to learn about M‑Files at your own pace. Choose the most relevant courses for your daily use of M‑Files.
    • Get Certified - Become a certified M-Files User: Choose the certification most relevant to you. Courses available for all levels of M-Files Users from Essentials to IT Administrators.
  • TEAM IM - M-Files End User Training - TEAM IM can work with your organization to provide a tailored M-Files training that meets the needs of your organization.


M-Files Training subscription includes ten licenses to M-Files Academy and User Lite access for the entire company.

M-Files Academy

License holders gain full access to M-Files Academy content, which includes interactive courses and certification on topics like metadata structure, permissions, workflows, and much more.

Academy training will give you more advanced knowledge about M-Files’ daily usage and its possibilities, see below for a breakdown of all the training modules inside M-Files Academy.

In M-Files Academy you can get certified in the following courses:

  • M-Files Essentials
  • M-Files User
  • M-Files Business Administrator
  • M-Files IT Administrator
  • Courses featuring new features and add-ons

Target Audience: Users who require more advanced knowledge about M-Files’ daily usage and can act as a support for the rest of the users within the organization.

M-Files User Lite

Your entire organization gets access to User Lite videos covering key M-Files features such as: saving, searching, and views. This training is for everyone who uses M-Files desktop, web, or mobile in their daily routines.

Watch and learn from easy to understand videos that are designed to get users up-to-speed on how to utilize the features that matter most to them. Users have ongoing access to these videos aimed at helping them with their everyday tasks without any technical jargon.

User Lite can be embedded directly into the M-Files UI for easy access to the learning contents.

Target Audience: All users in the organization who use M-Files.

For Additional  Information on M-Files Training contact

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